Friday, May 2, 2008

Monday, April 21, 2008

This video helps you understand your credit score...check it out!

I thought you'd like to see this short little video
on how to boost your credit scores.

Go see it here now.

Pretty cool, huh?

Did you like it? Go ahead and leave me a comment and let me know.
When you do, please include your email address. I'll send you a link
to another really cool resource that'll help you get your credit scores

Stay tuned...more to come!


Stephen Fischer
Tradition Mortgage
Moline, IL
Office 309-743-0110
Call 1-800-882-1834 ext.2117
To Get the 7 Steps to Stop
Paying Rent

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Here's my new report...whadaya think?

Attention Iowa and Illinois homeowners: urgent and time-sensitive message below
Special Report is yours for the asking…
“Use These 7 Little-Known Secrets to Legally Payoff ALL Your Debt (Even Your Mortgage) in Less than 9 Years…without spending any more than you are right now!”

MOLINE, IL – What would you do if you no longer had to worry about ‘paying the bills’ each month? Would you like to discover how to end your money worries? Then have a seat, get comfy and read every word of this letter.

It could be the most important message you’ll ever read.

STOP. Before you toss this aside, I need to ask you something important…

Does the headline you just read above seem ‘too good to be true?’ It’s OK. When I first stumbled across these secrets, I felt the same way…

Hi, my name is Steve Fischer – and I admit it – I’m pretty darn skeptical myself. Not long ago (7 years, in fact) here’s the boat I was in. I had two mortgages…3 brand-new car payments. And a stack of credit card bills as thick as a phone book. I was totally stressed-out… working like a dog and getting nowhere.

I felt like one of those hamsters running on their wheel. I was frustrated.

Heck, this is even kinda embarrassing, but here’s the rub. I’m in the mortgage business…you think I’d know better than to get myself into this mess, right?


After I found this secret, I discovered it wasn’t my fault.

(Hint: it’s not yours either. More about that in a minute…)

By the way… does any of this sound familiar at all to you? I have a feeling you’re probably a lot like me.

Anyway, I got to the point where I was totally fed up with being trapped in “financial prison.” So I decided to do something about it. I spent countless hours reading books. Listening to tapes and CDs. Scouring the contents of courses. (I lost track of how many sleepless nights I spent on the Internet learning about how to get debt free fast.) I thought my eyeballs were going to burn out!

And then it happened…

I discovered a simple 7-step system you can use to rapidly payoff all your debts, including your mortgage…in less than 9 years.
And here’s what’s really cool about it. If you apply the unique “twist” to this secret formula (I’ll tell you about it in a minute…)

You can payoff all your debts (yes, even the house) without increasing your monthly payments!

Like I said earlier, I didn’t believe it’d work at first. So I put this secret formula to the test. Guess what? It worked!

Now I started to get really excited…

Why? Because I knew I had to share this secret with anyone ready to take action… and completely turn their finances around in 7 simple steps.

So I did.

I tested these secrets out on a few of my mortgage clients. Here’s a couple of the many comments I got about how it went...

“Steve did an awesome job… I can’t believe how easy it was! I wish I knew about this sooner. Thanks, Steve!”

“I thought I had it all figured out. I had the lowest rates on everything. Kept my credit rating spotless. Made all my payments before they were due. But I was getting nowhere. Then Steve showed me how to apply his simple 7-step plan to the way I was paying my debts off. I have one word to say – WOW! Who knew it could be this easy to follow a step-by-step plan…and have my house and ALL my bills paid off in 8 ½ years? I’m telling all my friends about this!”

I have more stories in my files. (Call me up or email me and I’ll gladly share ‘em with you.)

OK. Let’s get back to letting you in on these little-known secrets. But first, let me tell you what it’s NOT about:
- This has nothing to do with making ‘bi-weekly mortgage payments.
- It doesn’t involve taking out a line of credit against your home.

This 7-step plan (along with the little “twist” I came up with) puts you back in control of your future.


It helps you ‘re-engineer’ your existing debts.

Just make some simple changes to the way you pay your bills (using this secret program.) Then sleep like a baby knowing your house will be paid off in one-third of the time. Maybe sooner – depending on how ambitious you are…

Plus, I’ll hold your hand and lay out this secret formula for you. Step by step. No guess work involved! It’s all spelled out in my brand-new special report:

“How to Get Debt Free Fast and Stay Out Forever!”

This report spells out the 7-steps for in you in plain English. Here’s what else you’ll discover when you get this eye-opening expose on getting free from debt
· The conventional advice about money you must ignore
· Two dirty little words your creditors use to keep you buried in debt
· 17 ways you can turbo-charge this method to get debt free even faster
· The little ‘twist’ you can use to create money out of thin air
· How to find the ‘leaks’ in your money bucket…and plug them up fast
· More real-life success stories from others who used these secret methods
· And much, much more!

So, how much do you think it’ll cost to get your hands on this secret, life-changing information? I could easily charge thousands of dollars for it. After all, one of my clients, Carrie Wacker, is saving $125,437.78 by using these secrets. Plus she’ll have her house completely PAID FOR in 9 years and 7 months!

Don’t worry. You won’t need to go reaching for your wallet. Why? Because for a limited time, I’ve decided to reveal the secrets of this 7-step formula…that (if you follow it to the letter) guarantees you’ll be debt free in 1/3 of the time…

for FREE!!!

All you need to do is this: use these secrets and you’ll be on the path to financial freedom. Plain and simple.

- No more sleepless nights worrying about the bills.

- No more worrying about living paycheck to paycheck. Servicing thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

So... why am I handing this over to you on a silver platter…for free?

Because I know how it feels to be buried in debt. And I wish someone like me would’ve done the same for me when I was struggling… and felt like there was no way out.

I’m also tired of seeing honest, hard-working people slaving away at their jobs… only to line the pockets of their greedy creditors. And have barely anything left to show for their efforts.

To be blunt, I’m also disgusted that the ‘fat cat’ bankers and credit card companies have kept these secrets from you… while they fleece the average Joe for BILLIONS of dollars each year.

Enough already. It’s time to take a stand and put the power back in your hands – where it belongs.

Do yourself and your family a favor. Get your hands on this report… while it’s still free.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Wishing you a happy, debt-free life,
Steve Fischer

P.S. Here’s how you can get started: Send me an email at (put "7 Secrets" in the subject line) or call 309-743-0110 during regular business hours (Mon-Fri 9AM - 5PM) and your FREE report will be rushed to you ASAP!

You can also call my 24-hour toll free recorded message line at 1-800-882-1834, ext. 2363.
Leave your name, address, phone #, the best time to reach you...
and I'll rush these secrets to you ASAP so you can get started on the path to freedom from debt!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Have You Seen This Yet?

If you haven't made the leap yet, and would like to achieve the
American dream of owning a home of your own...

Do yourself a favor...

Go here to discover how to own the home of your dreams...

For little to NO money down...

Even with less than perfect credit!

You'll find a TON of useful tricks and tips to get you on the right path to owning a place of your own. Including:

- insider tips to boost your credit score

- the one question you MUST ask yourself if you want to own a home of your own

- success stories from other people like you that bought a home for little money
(even those that thought they couldn't!)

- how to find the right home loan program

- costly mistakes to avoid when buying your 1st home

- how to get all the money you need to buy a home

- how to put knowledgeable real estate professionals to work for you...for free!

- and much, much more!

(Hint: be sure to check out the blog when you visit this site to get access to a wealth of articles you can use now to get the knowledge, tools and resources you need to make you a homeowner.)

Here's the link...

I hope you enjoy it!


P.S. Once you're ready, you can even take the next step and apply online to get a clearer picture of your home buying options. Plus, you'll get a personalized plan laid out for you... specifically for your unique situation!

I hope to see you there! :)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Use These 9 Tips to Make the Home Buying Process a Breeze…

By Steve Fischer
Tradition Mortgage

Moline, IL – Are you thinking about buying a home? It can be an overwhelming process. Especially when what you see, hear and read in the media is all ‘doom and gloom’ and talking about the ‘subprime mortgage meltdown.’ Don’t let it stop you. You can still buy a home for little to no money down, even in the middle of the ‘topsy-turvy’ market we’re in now. All it takes to make it happen is little preparation and some careful planning. And these 9 tips can help get you there:

1. Educate yourself. Learn all you can about the home buying process. Understand the role of each party involved. Explore your loan options. Learn all you can about the approval process. And give yourself a clear picture of what to expect regarding time frame, costs… even possible delays. Real estate professionals have a ton of resources they can share with you. Use their expertise to get you started!
2. Get a copy of your credit report. You can get one for free at Check it for incorrect items, duplicate entries, address and employment information and inquiries. Your lender can help you review it and ‘make sense of it all.’ Usually for free.
3. Resolve any outstanding credit issues. Make arrangements to bring any delinquent accounts and/or collections current. Keep accurate records of all everything. And be prepared to provide a letter of explanation to your lender to explain any past issues. Normally, your lender will assist you with this. Once you get any outstanding issues resolved, be sure document how you did it. If there are no issues, great. You’re one step ahead of the game!
4. Plan a realistic budget. Analyze your spending. Cut back wherever possible. And be ready to have funds available to cover your costs to buy. Even if you’re getting a ‘no down payment’ home loan, you’ll still need to set aside some money. What for? Things like an ‘earnest money’ deposit, homeowners insurance, and moving expenses. You’ll need to let your lender know where your funds came from. If you don’t, you’re loan could be denied. Don’t let it happen! Some lenders even require your funds to be ‘seasoned,’ or on deposit, for anywhere from 30 to 90 days.
5. Get your paperwork in order. In most cases, it’ll be necessary to provide proof of your income, assets, and things that affect your credit rating. If you’ve been through a divorce or bankruptcy, you’ll need to have the paperwork for these available also. Your loan officer can give you a checklist for your specific situation.
6. Get actively involved in the process. Be honest and upfront about everything. When asked to provide any additional information, do it in a timely manner. Not doing it will slow down the process. Extended delays can even cause your approval to expire… and result in less favorable loan terms (i.e. a higher rate or lower loan amount.)
7. Don’t make any major purchases before or during the loan process. This could adversely affect your debt ratios. It can also deplete the cash reserves you need.
8. Stay positive. Sure, the process can be challenging. But the reward is great. The more prepared you are, the smoother the process will be for you. Finally…
9. Get expert advice. Seek a knowledgeable professional with experience. Ask them for references upfront. And make the smart decision of putting them to work for you. Don’t ‘go it alone!’

I hope you find these tips helpful. With the right plan in place, there’s no limit to what you can achieve!

Steve Fischer is with Tradition Mortgage, a Licensed Mortgage Banker in both Illinois and Iowa. For more valuable home buying tips, visit or call 1-800-882-1834, ext.2112 24/7 for a free recorded message to get your FREE copy of Steve’s Home Buyer Handbook, “The 7 Steps to Stop Paying Rent.”

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Be on the look out for it...

Hello to all!

A quick heads up. I'm putting the finishing touches on a new report you'll enjoy. For details on it, click here.

Talk to you soon!


Friday, February 1, 2008

“Will You Do Me a Favor?”

I have an idea, and I need your opinion on it. (Please read on for details.)

Thanks! :-)

Steve Fischer here. I hope all’s going well with you! I’m really excited about something, and wanted to tell you about it…

Could you do me favor?
I’m testing out a new program for my clients. And before I roll it out on a grand scale, I wanted to check with you to see what you thought of it.

Here’s what it’s all about…

I discovered a way to show you how to payoff your debts legally, morally and ethically in a third of the time… without increasing the payments in your monthly budget.

It has nothing to do with ‘bi-weekly’ payments or getting a line of credit.
It’s a way to ‘re-engineer’ your existing debts. Just make some simple changes to how you pay your bills (using this new program) and you can save yourself thousands of dollars in unnecessary interest. With times like they are right now, this could really help you out.

It doesn’t cost a dime to ‘test the waters’ and see if this program is right for you.
Give me a call at 309-743-0110 so I can explain all the details...
Thanks in advance for your help. I look forward to hearing from you!
Steve Fischer
Tradition Mortgage
800 36th Ave
Moline, IL 61265
You can send me a message here or leave me a comment to this post. OR...
Go see this for more details!
P.S. I put together a special report that includes some examples of how this works also. I can send it to you (or email it to you) when you call. You can also subscribe at one of the links above and I'll get it right out to you.
Thanks again!